Commercial Farm Visit
Why only commercial visits? As much as we would like everyone to visit our farm, we are bound by the visit licenses from AVA. All visits to our offshore farm must be approved by AVA.
They usually only approve commercial visits and disapprove recreational visits, therefore, we are opening blogger and photographers visit as an effort to inch forward to make sure more and more people are able to visit the farm or enjoy a visual tour from the eye of the bloggers and photographers.
AVA visit regulation is tough and rigid. It is very difficult to get approval directly, sometime we just have to find a way around this rigid system without breaking the regulations.
It doesn’t matter your popularity, as long as you have the interest, you are welcomed to our farm
From TV crews to part-time Bloggers or Photographers:
Are you looking for an interesting article to blog about or a interesting subject to add into your portfolio? It doesn’t matter your popularity, as long as you have the interest, you are welcomed to our farm*.
Your photos and articles may be featured in our different marketing channels where traffic can be generated both ways.
Let us know! Send us an email to and we will arrange a suitable date.
*subjected to AVA approval.