How to order?
Place an order
i)To place an order you need to select product from home or shop page, you can directly add the product in the cart by clicking “ADD TO CART” button under product.
ii) We recommend that to see the detail of the product by clicking on image of the product, you will be redirected to the product detail page. Here you can see total stock and different option to be selected.
iii) After selecting required options and quantity, click on “ADD TO CART” button . You will be redirected to cart page. Now if you want to continue shopping then click on “CONTINUE SHOPPING” .
Please also note that there is a chance that your item might get sold out during your checkout process, i.e. our checkout system is based on fastest finger first. Item will only be yours upon confirming your order and receiving a valid Order ID to
your email.
If you are unable to add the item to your shopping bag, this means that the particular item is out of stock for the moment.
View items in shopping cart
If you would like to view the items in your shopping cart before making your purchase, you may do so by clicking on the “SHOPPING BAG” at the top right corner of the page. A drop-down list will appear displaying the items you have added to your bag with the respective price
Check out your order
Only proceed to check out after you have checked and confirmed the quantities of the items in your shopping bag. Click the “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT” button to proceed with your order. It is important that you check through your order before making your purchase as we are unable to edit an order that has already been confirmed
(1) Login
In order to proceed with placing an order, you will have to checkout as:
1a) Returning Customer
1b) New Customer
1c) Guest
(2) Coupon
If you have any coupon code to apply, here is where you can enter and click ‘APPLY COUPON’. The amount will be updated once you click apply
(3) Shipping Details and Method
Please fill in the relevant information required for us to be able to ship the item(s) over to you
(4) Payment Method
We have provided a great selection of payment methods to cater to the varying demands of our customers.
Cash on delivery
For doing cash on delivery you need to verify your phone number .
After filling all the required detail
on checkout page , you need to click on “Place Order” or “Proceed to Paypal” in-case if you selected paypal option for placing an order.
After that you will see the page with order Id and order detail , it means you have successfully placed order and your order is confirmed.
(5) Confirmation
You will receive an automated order confirmation email from us saying you have made your order successfully. You will be updated on your order status via email, until your order gets shipped out from our hands